Patient Support Specialist

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Our Patient Support Specialists offer a wide array of support for our patients who may be experiencing barriers of various kinds to their medical care.

To access our Patient Support Team, call 603-536-4000 Ext. 1400

Whether it is financial, transportation or emotional stress due to their current situation, these services can link our patients to the resources they need.

Our Patient Support Specialist can also meet with individuals and families to help plan for the future; whether it is receiving counseling on Advance Directives, or long term care planning for an older adult in need of care. These services aid families and individuals in the long run because they have had the time to discuss what their needs are, what options they have and develop ways to cope with the stress that often accompanies these situations.

Here are some of the things the Patient Support Specialist can help with:

  • Advance Directive and End of Life counseling
  • Long term Care Planning for Older Adults and their Families
  • Assistance with forms and applications, such as Medicaid and Food Stamps
  • Assistance with food through Mid-State’s Feed the Need Program
  • Assistance with obtaining affordable Medications
  • Assistance with obtaining affordable Housing
  • Transportation
  • Links to programs such as Fuel/Electric Assistance, WIC, Food Pantries, Financial Assistance and Domestic Violence Programs
  • Patient Advocacy
  • Information about Substance Abuse Inpatient and Outpatient programs and groups
  • To make an appointment with our Patient Support Specialist, call 536-4000.

Food Security Resources at Mid-State

Feed the Need

Hunger is often invisible, but it is a reality for many in our community. Our friends, neighbors, and community members are going to sleep and waking up hungry, or with nothing to eat at all. They are having to choose between paying an electric bill, or a heat bill instead of buying meals.

The Feed the Need Program at Mid-State was developed to fight those food insecurities that our patients and their families may face. By implementing an evidence based screening tool into our primary care model, we are able to identify those of our patients who may not have the food resources they need to be healthy.

Feed the Need gives our patients who screen food insecure a bag of healthy groceries that can feed four people for three days, as well as a gift card to the local grocery store to purchase fresh meats and veggies. In addition, patients are connected with one of our Care Team Members to help them connect and navigate local food resources available.

To access our food security program, please call us at 603-536-4000 ext.1601.