Aquatics and Fitness

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Water exercise and aqua therapy provide heart healthy cardiovascular benefits as well as muscle strengthening with low risk of falls or joint injuries. Mid-State’s 35 foot, 90-degree therapy pool is a great option for anyone in the community to gain some aquatic exercise.

swim to have an effective workout. We have stability bars, a hydraulic lift, a bench with massage jets, and both deep and shallow water options for non-weight or weight-bearing exercises. Our pool is equipped with everything you need to have a safe and effective workout.

Our exercise programs are suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels, and we offer a range of benefits for individuals with a variety of health concerns. Whether you are dealing with COPD, heart disease, weight loss, arthritis, fibromyalgia, joint pain in your knees, hips, shoulders, or ankles, back pain, fall prevention, stability, balance, mobility, joint replacements, pre or post-surgery recovery, or osteoporosis, our pool can help you achieve your fitness goals.

Pool Pricing

Single Session: $15 for a single Independent Aquatic Exercise Session.

Package of 8: $96 for a package of 8 Independent Aquatic Sessions ($12 per session). Expires after 90 days.

Package of 12: $120 for a package of 12 Independent Aquatic Sessions ($10 per session). Expires after 90 days.

Group Classes: $96 for a 4-week session (8 total classes/$12 per class)


How Do I Get In the Pool?

All paticipants must register for classes through New Hampshire Adventure Bootcamp.

We offer Aquatic Therapy sessions, Independent Aquatic sessions, and group classes.

  • Aquatic Therapy is with a licensed Physical Therapist or Physical Therapist Assistant through a referral from your PCP or doctor. Scheduling is done directly with the Mid-State office.
  • Independent Aquatic Sessions are scheduled and paid for using fitDEGREE, our studio management software.
    1. Participants sign up for one hour which includes changing and exercise.
    2. All participants must register for their hour using the fitDEGREE app on their phone or by using their computer.
    3. New Users must create a fitDEGREE account before being able to ‘register’ on the schedule.
    4. Masks must be worn while in the building, but not required while in the pool.
  • Aquatic Classes are scheduled and paid for using fitDEGREE, our studio management software.
      1. Just like swimming, our aquatic group classes are easy on your joints, and because of the low-impact format, our classes are suitable for every fitness levels.
      2. Class sessions vary by instructor. Check back to this page to stay up to date with our group class offerings!