We’re here to help.
We cannot process medical emergencies through this website. If you have a medical emergency, dial 9-1-1, or your local emergency services number.
Please use this form for general inquiries only. If you have specific questions about your healthcare, please contact our office directly.
Please do not ask for medical advice via email or through this form – these are NOT secure ways to contact us. Please call us at 603-536-4000 for specific medical questions, or through your secure patient portal.
For NON-URGENT medical scheduling and questions, we now offer a texting option : 802-424-8597
Urgent needs should be handled with a PHONE CALL to the office or calling 911. Texts will be answered will be answered during business hours Monday – Friday 7:30 am – 5:00 pm.
For general inquiries, please use the contact form, or email info@midstatehealth.org
For questions about quality or patient experience, please email quality@midstatehealth.org
For medical records, email medicalrecords@midstatehealth.org
For career opportunities or human resources, email careers@midstatehealth.org
For media inquiries, email marketing@midstatehealth.org