January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month: Mid-State Health Center Offers FREE Screenings

Jan 1, 2024 | News

As the nation turns its focus to Cervical Cancer Awareness Month this January, Mid-State Health Center takes a stand in the fight against cervical cancer. Recognizing the significance of early detection, Mid-State Health Center is proud to offer FREE breast and cervical cancer screenings to eligible patients.

This initiative is made possible through a partnership with NH Health and Human Services-NH Healthy Lives Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program, which aims to make screening accessible to all individuals who need it. The program aims to reduce mortality rates through the early detection of breast and cervical cancer among NH residents. Regular screenings and follow-up care can help prevent, or more effectively treat, breast and cervical cancers. A screening test looks for signs of disease, such as cancer, before a person has symptoms. In its early stages, cancer is easier to treat.

“If we can contribute to saving even one life by offering these screenings, our efforts will be worthwhile,” said Robert MacLeod, CEO of Mid-State Health Center. “Cervical cancer is a disease that affects so many people, and early detection is key. We want to be a part of the solution and make sure that nobody has to forego these screenings due to financial constraints.”

Individuals aged 21-64 who are uninsured or have insurance that doesn’t pay for screening tests, or have a limited income, are invited to call the center to schedule an appointment.

Cervical Cancer Awareness Month serves as an annual reminder of the importance of early detection and education in the battle against cervical cancer, a disease that affects millions of lives around the world. Early detection through regular screenings can lead to improved outcomes and ultimately save lives.

To find out if you qualify for these free screenings, please call Mid-State Health Center at 603-536-4000. The dedicated staff at the center will be more than happy to assist you in determining your eligibility. To explore additional screening sites, please dial 603-271-4931 or visit www.dhhs.nh.gov/bccp for further information.